For us, more than just a marketing argument, the concept of Sustainable Development is part of our philosophy:
“Not to produce more, but to produce better, to produce differently …”


More than a philosophy, A way of looking at tomorrow….

Sustainable Development

Our Supply Chain approach

The premier quality of our products comes from the experience , knowledge , and know-how of our teams .Everyday we insist on doing our very best to protect Nature and the human race , the keys to our activity .We continuously adhere to international regulations , and insist on the highest codes of ethical conduct.

Over the last ten years or so, we have gradually integrated our own social and societal responsibilityapproach, in our internal operations, in the sourcing and development of our products.


An ethical sourcing

In practical terms, since 2008 a strategic development plan has been implemented that aim to work on supply chains in order to improve our knowledge of raw materials and the way they are grown or produced.

The main key words are Transparency and Understanding.
By sharing experience between key players, we are developing partnerships and acting collectively in order to establish more responsible and traceable supply chains. Our partnership with NGO has already been a step to enhancing our social and environmental action.

Our strategy for Ethical Sourcing

PB founded in January 2011 P.T. General Aromatics Indonesia

a subsidiary company working specifically on the sustainable supply of Indonesian essential oil production.

This sister company established in Banda Aceh – Indonesia, the aera devastated by the tsunami in December 2004, allows P.B to ensure the development of a specific range of premium ingredients, guaranteeing the qualities and processes of each product, combined at the same time with the improvement of living conditions and economic stability in Indonesia.

Act today to prepare tomorrow

We believe that Innovation is the key of tomorrow. That’s why three services, R&I, Sourcing and R&D departments are working together with a highly qualified industrial and university network dedicated to sustainable practices and innovations.

Optimization of our resources, waste management, green extraction… All these topics are ongoing projects for Payan Bertrand that we decided today to focus on for tomorrow, in accordance with our own philosophy.

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